Wednesday, November 20, 2013

New $100 Bill

New bill compared to old

The Federal Reserve Board recently released the new $100 bill, and most are not happy about it. Some have even said that Benjamin Franklin himself would be sad about it. Whether the opinions are right or wrong, the bill will be put into circulation October 8, 2013.

Of all people though, the youth seem to be the least bothered by it. It may be because of the fact that many teens will never hold a $100 bill, or it may be that change is, most of the time, good. With these changes, a large amount of anti-counterfeiting strategies are now in play. These include, but are not limited to, the funky, blue line that goes through the middle of the bill, which is actually a 3-D security ribbon, as well as a bell semi-hidden in the inkwell.

If an individual disagrees with the changes, they can certainly agree that it is a step in the right direction to stop counterfeiting.


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