Monday, November 11, 2013

Sock tore up Towanda

Loyalsock killed Towanda in the quarter finals with a score of 48-20. Well, Loyalsock had a total of 500 yards, it was a good game on both parts but Loyalsock came out ready to play and ready to win. Kyle Datres had 5 rushing touchdowns. Kyle had 233 yards of rushing last night putting him at 1,129 rushing yards and throwing 1,374 yards. Omar little also had a good game he had an interception and a touchdown. Robert Klein the first year senior also had an outstanding game, in the game against Lewisburg he had two high ankle sprains, but that did not stop him last nigh he had a touchdown.  Next week they will play Danville at Danville hope they can come home with the win. 

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