Sophomore Matthew C. gets his pre-game warmup as he knows tonight's game is a big event. |
With the stadium lights slowly turning on to light up the field, the Lancer soccer team gets on the field as they prepare to light up the scoreboard. The game against Hughesville is an important one, as it sends a message to the league and puts the team one step closer to playoffs. Warm-up goes by quickly, and as the sun begins to set, the tone gets serious. The Lancers clearly intend to win this home game and continue their five game winning streak.
Coach Andrew Zimmerman gives a quick speach to the team. "Come on strong and win the 50/50 balls. We have got to send a message to the league on who the top team really is," and with that the Lancers take the field.
Within the first five minutes, senior Mark O. has scored and the home team takes the lead, followed by another goal from junior Josiah C. The Spartans respond by taking a goal for themselves, reminding everyone that they will not give up easily. However the Lancers remain in control and maintain their teamwork. Each of them know who the better team is, and that they must continue to fight until the very end of the game. Junior Matt H. then takes control on a fast break and puts away an easy unassisted goal. Josiah C. then responds with another goal, putting the Lancers ahead by three. Hughesville gets a break and scores off a penalty kick, bringing them a step closer to equalizing the game. However, Matt H. has different plans for the game. He goes on to score two more goals, earning a hat trick. The soccer team bench and fans erupt in cheers and chants, shouting "Fifty, Fifty, Fifty!" On Matt's final breakaway goal marked his 50th career goal for the men's soccer team, a remarkable achievment. Matt comes of the field accompanied with cheers from friends and family alike, and claims the game ball as a trophy for his achievement. The Lancers maintain the game and go on to win 6-2.
Today's victory was special in many ways. It sent a message to the local schools that Loyalsock's mens soccer is not to be taken lightly. It puts the team one step closer to playoffs and the fabled district championship, a title that has eluded the team thus far. And finally the game put Matt H. at the fifty goal mark. This left team, the coach, and the fans ecstatic. When asked about how he feels, Matt responds that, "Today might be one of the happiest days in my life."
Tonight's game was a great sign of the soccer teams strength and accomplishment. But how will the team proceed? Only time will tell, but if tonights game was any indication of the future, the Men's soccer team has a lot to look forward to.
Congratulations to Loyalsock Men's Soccer on the victory, and congratulations to Matt H. for his achievements.