Tuesday, September 3, 2013

New year, new lockers

Trisha C. moves into her new locker on the second day of school.

Over the summer, custodians have diligently worked to change all locker combinations in the high school.  In addition, students also received new lockers.  During the first official day of school, August 29, 2013, students showed mixed emotions about the change in scenery. 

Principal, Dr. Reitz explained the reasoning behind the change was to keep past students that visit the school out of their old lockers. Also, with the new iPads, changing the locks adds more security to the valuables that every student now holds. However, students such as Trisha C. find the locker change as a "huge inconvenience, especially for us seniors."  

The majority of senior's lockers can be found in the H locker wing, while most freshman locker's are located in the B wing. According to students, the B wing lockers are in the best location in the high school. 

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