Monday, September 16, 2013

New Year, New Leaders

Today was an exciting day for the Junior class of 2015! Class adviser, Dana Williams, sent out ballots containing nominees for class officers for the 2013-14 school year. The positions that are up-for-grabs are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and historian.

Interestingly, the only position that had any competition was president. The nominations for this position were Brennan H. and Kaden S. The other positions only had one person running for them, which means that Lydia H. won vice president, Makenna W. won the secretary position, Nikhil S. secured the treasurer position, and Gianna R. took the prize for historian. These people are all nominated and elected in order to create a good, well-balanced body that's role doubles as class officers and school representatives. The class is doing a fantastic job at working together and creating a solid, unified group.

The election results will hopefully be released on Tuesday, September 17. Good luck to the nominees!
Back of the Class of 2015 pull-over sweatshirt which contains the Class of 2015 students' signatures

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